Musings of a Winter Wren

Wednesday, September 15, 2004


I went to a little soiree last night. It was a pot lucky thing with a single rule. You couldn't bring anything to eat that has/had legs. I think that is suppose to be some silly arbitrary vegetarian guideline: I don't eat anything with legs! I don't eat anything with eyes! I don't eat anything that had a mother! Whatever.

I brought a cold bean salad and realized on my way over that my salad did have legs: LEGumes! God help me, I'm a dork. Anyway, fru-fru-ness aside, it was an interesting time. I would rather not bother with the setting, characters, and plots. But I will leave you with a list of phrases and let them collect at your feet like a swarm of dandilion seeds:

1. Khaki Pants
2. Pet Dogs
3. Good Music
4. Mmm, boys
5. Express Shots
6. And Kahlua
7. Cigarettes
8. REI catalog
9. Old friends, that go way back
10. None of them mine.


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