Musings of a Winter Wren

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Gone are the days when I could run thirteen miles and not immediately collapse into a coma. But I’m older now. My body is creaky. These days when I get an injury it hangs around and taunts me. Pain literally follows me and heckles me something relentless: Caa'mon gimpy! You call that running? Why don’t you just give up and get one of those walkers with the tennis ball bottoms!

The truth?

I’m THIS CLOSE to a walker with tennis ball bottoms. My foot, or at least a very specific spot on it started hurting two weeks ago. But like a big dummy, I played Ultimate Frisbee on it in lieu of icing it and so, it got bad. Gangrene maybe. The little fucker still hurts and now I cannot run the half marathon I had mentally signed up for this weekend. Pity me.

PS. Try and take a picture of your foot. Go ahead, just try it. There's no way you can make a close-up of your foot look un-weird in a picture.


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