Musings of a Winter Wren

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


I got the full time teaching position. Yay!
I've been working my tiny hiney off. Boo!

I'm going to have to take a little break from writing (and eating and sleeping and leisure reading and drinking beer). At least until things settle. Check back in a few weeks time. Kisses!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on the full time gig. A few weeks is a long time for us loyals. Just kidding. Not really though.


Blogger Winter Wren said...

Loyals? You mean I actually have loyal readers? Aw shucks. Now I can't wait to come back and tell you about a) my latest bike accident and b) my new cat.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's true. I mentioned a few months ago that you keep me entertained at work. So I check often for new posts. Anyway, hope to hear from you soon and oh, did you get hurt?



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