Musings of a Winter Wren

Friday, July 05, 2013


I am on maternity leave this summer and promised myself I would put time aside to read. Since I am in school now, I usually have my nose in a textbook or a scientific journal if I have my nose in anything at all. Typically when I do read for "fun" it's almost always nonfiction. It's not because I enjoy nonfiction more, quite the contrary. I think it is because I feel I can learn more from nonfiction (not always true, of course) and so that makes fiction somehow something one indulges in. I keep telling myself I will read more fiction when I retire or land in jail. Neither scenario terribly likely. But this summer is special. I told myself, go ahead read whateverthehell You want. And so I did. This is what I have consumed so far:

1. The Red Convertible by Louise Erdrich
2. The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy
3. Granta #123
4. 20 Under 40: Stories from the New Yorker
5. Wild by Cherly Strayed
6. Four Fish by Paul Greenberg
7. Cat's Eye by Margaret Atwood

I have room on my dance card for one or two more...

8. Granta #124
9. Consider the Lobster by David Foster Wallace


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