Musings of a Winter Wren

Friday, June 16, 2023


I have this friend who started off as an assistant librarian at the college where I teach/taught.  Many years ago she accepted a position at a real university that offered her things like a livable wage, sabaticals, and self-respect.  I have not seen her in maybe 6 years, although we text from time to time.  She came back to this city for a visit this spring, and a few weeks ago, we shared beers/laughs.

She has a very wry sense of humor.  She doesn't fit any of the stereotypes about librarians, those being wholesome goody two-shoes or nasty control freaks (think shushing).  I don't know where those ideas originated because all the librarians I know are kind of cynical and sarcastic as fuck.  She'a also a few years older than me.

So, she's asking how I have been and I'm telling her that I have changed a lot because of my age.  I said, well now that I'm in my fourties, I feel like I'm horny all the time and I have a lot of crushes on men.  She seriously put her hand up to stop the words coming out of my mouth.  She wore a boared expression.  "I've known you for a while Wren and you've always been like this.  You're always horny and you're always crushing on men."  

I thought about it for a moment and of course she was right.  You gotta love those friends that shut down the bullshit straight away.


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