Musings of a Winter Wren

Friday, January 26, 2007


Transcribed from my bedside dictaphone because, really, who wants to sit up in bed and write one's thoughts out when you can simply laminate them on tape.

"...And then the only other part I really remember is being outside and running around this sort of yard of this house, um with, with someone else - I'm not sure who that someone else was BUT we were trying to escape this place and there was a, in the distance, not-not too far away, but kind of in the distance you could see this huge squid in the sky - NO! It wasn't a squid! It was a jelly fish, it was a huge jelly fish in the sky and there was sort of like, a storm going on underneath the jellyfish dome in the tentacles...and then suddenly very very close to us, another one of these things sprouted into the sky and we were really worried about being caught. It was almost like they were space aliens. *Heavy sigh* But they looked like jelly fish. I don't know, you had to have been there because it was really really scary."


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