Musings of a Winter Wren

Friday, June 01, 2007


So there's this guy I work with. He's an older white guy with a ponytail. Pleasant enough fellow, but like my friend John says, don't ever make direct eye contact with him or he will come over and talk until your ears shrivel up and sink back into your skull.

Let's call him Huck.

Huck's probably a pretty smart man. At least that's what computers will tell you. He's the one who was bragging to me about his very, very high GRE scores and his flirtations with MENSA. *Yawn!* I personally don't think he's that smart because he'll say wacky things. For example, he's pretty sure he's part Mongolian. Why? Because his head is shaped like a Mongolian's. WTF? And he insists on using words like “oriental” in order to describe "my people."

So he tells me last week how one of his students did a presentation. And in this presentation there was a picture of a little girl that he insists looks exactly like me. So he emailed me a copy of this picture, my supposed doppelganger, and she's Asian. You know, and I’m half Chinese. Which automatically makes us twinsies.


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