Musings of a Winter Wren

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


No fooling. I'm so excited, I could turn cartwheels.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you really? I mean, I know you said "No fooling." But are you buying it now?

I'm getting worried. First, you get a full-time job. You are also taking care of your parents' car, and made a joke about being an adult. And then you got a cat. And now, maybe, a house? What are you, 55?

Ha ha. I'd love to have just that porch - who cares about the house?


Blogger Winter Wren said...

I know, right?

I love the privileges of being an adult. I get to stay up late, drink beer, and rent porn. There's really a lot to be said about being grown up. But when it comes to things like parking tickets, rectal exams, or money lenders, I would much rather watch cartoons and eat sugar cereal.

But anyway, I close at the end of October.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

congratulaions! you deserve every staple of success AND adulthood.

take care. E



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