Musings of a Winter Wren

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


I have very few straight male friends. Straight men I like either become boyfriends or stop calling once they find out I have a boyfriend. Although I am truly confounded by this trend, I still try to make friends with, you know, the straight ones.

This winter I tried to make friends with a student. But it ended messy. In the spring I befriended another student, only this time more cautiously. We emailed back and forth a bit before we got together. Below you will find an excerpt from that correspondence:

ME: I should warn you, I have had shit luck cultivating friendships with straight men. Other than brother/dad/boyfriends I have had very few. Honestly I don't know what the hell I am doing wrong. You seem like a smart guy. Perhaps you have some insight?

HE: Most dudes think that they are entitled to fuck anything that's nice to them. That's why.


Blogger David said...

Ha! I think at some point all men look at a woman and ask, "would I hit that?" It doesn't mean they're going to act on it but it's there... it's always there.

As for being friends with a teacher, well that just adds a whole other wrinkle. If you're even remotely attractive your male students are sitting in class thinking, "yeah, I'd hit that." So there's the whole teacher fantasy thing too. Speaking of that... what do you look like? *wink* (I'm just joking!) LOL


Blogger Winter Wren said...

Me? I am your typical Chinese Czech hybrid. Maybe I will gather enough nerve to post a picture, but right now I'm too afraid of being dooced.

About the other stuff...

I know men have those thoughts. It is not so much a male foible as it is a human foible. Sometimes when my student are taking a test I'll not only make a mental list of the lay-ables, I will prioritize it. I am not interested in cooking them dinner or listening to their hopes & dreams or wearing their t-shirts around the house. It is a physical fantasy, nothing more. I get that.

Take my friend Prada for example. He's a good looking chap in fine condition. He's tan and lean, he has a British accent, and a very big...VOCABULARY. And that's hot, but I do not want to be his woman. And so we're friends. Why is that so hard to find?


Blogger David said...

I can't conjure a Chinese Czech hybrid image. I think you mentioned you looked like Daphne Ann Blake from Scooby-Doo, so that's the image I have of you. I was scared to death when I posted the first picture of myself but it didn't hurt as much as I thought.

Ha, With thoughts like that I'm glad you don't teach middle school ;)

I'll have to admit your friend's very big vocabulary makes me feel a little inadequate. As for girls and guys being friends, I think it's like a dog being friends with a cat. Sure it can be done but most dogs lose interest when the cat quits running. It just takes the fun out of it for most men... er, I mean dogs. :D


Blogger wcgillian said...

Interesting post! It is possible for a man and woman to be friends but damn it, that question does pop into your head no matter how hard you try to be mature and proffesional. By the way, I have seen Daphne out of character. She is actually hot as hell!



Blogger Winter Wren said...

Eh no. Daphne was a silly tart who had a knack for getting kidnapped. Velma was the smart, bookish lass who actually solved crimes. I am not Daphne.

And I am not shy about posting my picture. I just don't want to be fired from my job. Quick research the term 'dooced' and you'll know what I mean.


Blogger David said...

I knew she was the short one with the Beatles hair cut and the sweater but I confused the names. Dang!

Yeah, I googled "dooced" when you first mentioned it. I read another 'online journal', that like yours, I have to keep looking up the big words. So I'm in the habit now. :)

Since you discuss students and classroom situations, I understand your cautiousness about your identity. Hey, we all need a paycheck, right? At least I do. ;)


Blogger Winter Wren said...

You said it, man. Jinkies!



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