Musings of a Winter Wren

Wednesday, April 01, 2009


Lately, friends/acquaintances/complete strangers will exclaim: You look so beautiful/cute/great!

It's a curious thing. I'm not used to this kind of attention so I never know how to respond. It would help if I knew what motivated these comments. Are people just wrapped up with the whole Miracle of Life business or are they simply acknowledging the fact that I look like a complete dugong? It never occurred to me to say gushy things to pregnant women before.

The whole thing makes me blush.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! That's funny - I was talking to a pregnant lady I hardly knew recently and was hugely embarrassed to find myself saying "oh, you're glowing." I have no idea why I said that.


Blogger David said...

There's just something about a pregnant women that reminds us of the the circle of life, the miracle of birth and the innocence of a new born.

Maybe the attention is a down payment for the labor of birth. :)


Blogger Winter Wren said...

Ah, pregnancy culture. It’s just one of many things I'm supposed to understand, like I’m supposed to know why women compliment each other's appearance in high pitch voices.

But being part of a group doesn't mean you know anything about them. Please, let me be a shining example of that.



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