Musings of a Winter Wren

Friday, November 06, 2009


The Nuva Ring obviously didn't work very well. So after moo moo was born The Steady and I had to think about employing some other, more effective anti-baby device. Before we could be fitted with something more long term, we had to use condoms for about two months. Total. Bummer.

I remember standing in the contraception asile at the neighborhood drug store staring at the many varieties of condoms. I was completely overwhelmed. It was like shopping for toothpaste. Pretty soon I would be pulling at my hair screaming, "where is plain mint!?" I was bombarded with labels like, Lifestyle Warming Pleasure, Trojan Her Pleasure Ecstasy, Durex Pleasuremax, and Trojan Magnum Twister. These companies were trying their damnedest to make it sound like sex with a condom is more exciting than sex without one. I mean, really, Lifestyles Triple Pleasure? Do the box of condoms include another man??


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