Musings of a Winter Wren

Thursday, October 12, 2017


This guy I work with earned his PhD from an online institution.  You know...whatever.  But he insists that everyone address him with the prefix "Dr."  I just call him by his first name with the prefix "yo" because I am an irreverent twat.
Anyway, this guy somehow manages to secure himself a student worker most semesters to help him do his job.  I just want to point out that nobody else in our department has a student worker.  Nobody.  So, either he's special or he's "special." 
I once unintentionally challenged his claim to this special help by asking, what I assumed to be, the department's student worker to photocopy some of my lecture notes for my boss.  That's when I realized that this indentured servant works for Dr. Special exclusively because the kid never had time for my work.  He was simply too busy with Dr. Special's many, many tasks.  
On a side note, this student worker is usually brown, female, or both.  That's just a casual observation.  I have no statistics to back up that claim.  I just notice it because our school's demographics are mainly white/male and I can't think of one white male working in that position in all the years I've been here.  I may be mistaken and/or this fact may be totally irrelevant.
Anyway, the current worker is a woman who, when she passes, scrunched up her nose when she smiles, the same way someone might smile at a dog or a toddler.  She seems very nice, this woman, but I would not be shocked if one day she were to reach out and pat me on the head or give me a little scratch under the chin.  Or a salty dog biscuit.  


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