Musings of a Winter Wren

Thursday, April 21, 2005


I share my classroom space with a technical instructor at this college whose department is involved in some kind of student work quality assessment project. It’s a great idea and it seems to work very well in their program, but they are trying to impose this project on all of the departments that see their students, for the sake of consistency I suppose.

Anyway, I agreed to take part in their project last quarter. So yesterday between classes he asked if I thought it improved the quality of student work. I told him very honestly that it may have helped set a high standard at the outset, but as the quarter wore on it morphed into meaningless paperwork for both me and the students. I also tried to explain to him that I’m an adjunct instructor without health benefits or job security, that I already invest more hours at work than I’m compensated for, and that I frankly was not thrilled about having to deal with the added paperwork.

He seems like a nice guy, but he reacted to my candor the way most people react when they are told something they do not care to hear. He retorted with judgment, “Where’s your missionary spirit?” I laughed because his question was absurd to me. I told him that I worked fifty to sixty hours a week my first quarter and that took plenty of spirit, thank you. His response: “Is that all?” Incredulously, I informed him that I was paid for only thirty of those hours. And then I walked out of the classroom. Meph!

I guess I’m pretty sensitive when it comes to people questioning my work ethic.


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