Musings of a Winter Wren

Monday, July 31, 2006


So yeah, I slipped up last night. I was in a bad way. Why, you may ask? Because certain people (my mother and ex boyfriend) called me over the weekend just so they could tell me what a self-centered, insensitive asshole I am. Okay, fine. I hear your complaints. Now please, leave me the fuck alone.

Last night after my little impromptu binge-purge session, I stood at the kitchen sink washing dishes, fretting about today. Am I going to let these events pull me down? Am I going push work, studies, projects aside in order to indulge my vices tomorrow? What about the day after? I don't know if you were aware, dear reader, but addiction is a huge time and energy investment. Perhaps I should just call this whole week a wash and return to my self destructive behavior because that way of coping with the world is comfortable to me.

NO. Fuck that. I deserve to be happy. If you think that's self-centered, than fuck you too.


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