Musings of a Winter Wren

Monday, August 14, 2006


From June 14 to July 18 I circled the northern hemisphere. I decided to quit warbling because I knew internet access would be limited, but I did maintain a paper journal. Now that I'm back in the states and things are more settled*, I have started to transcribe my paper notes. But because I'm so freaking anal retentive, I think the transcriptions are going take a while. My hope is to put together a little bookish thing with photographs and reflections. I know, yuck. Why don't I just buy a pair of capri pants from the Gap and sit my ass down and watch the Opera Winfrey Show?

Don't judge me!

Anyways, in order to motivate myself to finish this project, I am going to start posting my travel notes online. I really think that will keep me on task. In general I'm more productive when someone's holding a torch to my ass. And when nobody else will do that I am forced to hold a torch to my own ass, see? Expect the first entry tomorrow.

* What does that mean?
* Who am I trying to kid?


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