Musings of a Winter Wren

Friday, November 03, 2006


I just checked my phone message here at work. One message was from my friend Jane. Another message was from K, a student who missed class and wanted to make up a test. The third was a crank call. The person on the phone had this insanely high pitch voice. It said, "Um Wren, you are a shampooed scum suuuuck! You! Are! A Shampoooooed! Scum! Suck! Get a life and do what your fucking parents want you to do! Little freak!"

I am laughing the whole time I'm listening because a) both content and delivery are hilarious and absurd, and b) I have caller id. I immediately write the phone number down and dial it. Some groggy voice answers:

HIM: "Who is this?"
ME: "I was about to ask you."
HIM: "J"
ME: "J who?
HIM: "J.D."
ME: "Oooh! Okay, thanks." *click*

I know J.D. He's was my student about a year ago. Nice guy, but he has got a serious case of OCD. He once told me he stayed up all night trying to work out a math problem I had assigned. I told him he should never do that again. No math problem I assign is worth staying up all night for. I run into him here and there and we always say hello. Sometimes he's acting like a normal person and sometimes he acts like he forgot to take his meds. The man's got demons though. Like fire-y, red, cloven hoofed demons.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have never commented on a blog before, but i randomly found yours and i just have to tell you: your life sounds a lot like mine. where are you from?


Blogger Winter Wren said...

Well, the game’s up! It’s no coincidence, anonymous. The reason my life sounds a lot like yours is because this website IS about your life. I tried to hide it from you, but you are obviously too clever. I embellished here and there for dramatic effect. I hope you don’t mind.

But now tell me something about you. I mean, something I don’t already know...



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