Musings of a Winter Wren

Thursday, May 03, 2007


On Tuesday night my friend John confessed that whenever he walks into a library, he’ll start to fart a lot and eventually he will be struck with an irresistible urge to ‘drop a boo.’ As if pooping was a natural, physiological response to libraries.

Ha! Libraries indeed. That’s crazy.

For me it’s video stores.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is so funny. The same thing happened to me every time I went into my college library. Weird. I never told anyone.


Blogger Winter Wren said...

Very curious.

What triggers this response? Could it be the books? The singular silence? The librarian cardigans? Libraries could put Metamucil out of business.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back then I thought it was because of the coffee stand stinking up the place. Just the smell of it makes my bowells rumble. Could have been my nerves too. Libraries have always made me nervous for some reason.



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