Musings of a Winter Wren

Wednesday, July 02, 2008


I had a cavity filled three months ago. Last week it fell out. I know this because A) there is a formidable hole in my tooth and B) it hurts. So I called the dentist and told them about their shoddy work. Of course, they won’t take my word for it. I have to come in so they can fix their expert eyes on it and tell me what I already know. This is exactly what they do.

I arrive at the dentist’s office and suffer almost 45 minutes of horrible lobby muzak. But it wasn’t a complete waste of time because I was just thinking to myself, “Geez, when am I going to get around to reading that National Geographic magazine from 1983 anyway?” They call me in. I sit in the vinyl chair (no exaggerations) for no more than 20 seconds. That’s the amount of time it takes for them to see the hole in my tooth and ask, “Does it hurt?” and for me to reply, “Uh-huh.” Another 20 seconds go by and I am in the lobby, scheduling another appointment. You know, the one where I actually get it fixed.


Blogger LORMO said...


I have to go to the free mental health clinic tomorrow, so um, yeah, isn't getting health care so much fun!



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