Musings of a Winter Wren

Saturday, February 28, 2009


I have been supremely busy this week planning a surprise birthday party for The Steady. Note to self: Never plan a surprise birthday party ever again. Although I do not regret doing it this time, they are far too much stress/work. How does one explain away the strange behavior? "What do you mean, 'Why am I cleaning?' What kind of question is that?" And, "No! Don't go out the back door! Your-uh...present is in the back yard!"

A pal was supposed to pick him up and keep him away from the house for two hours while I went to the airport to pick up another friend flying in from far away, as well as the keg, and the food, and the cake. This friend, the one who was supposed to spirit him away, was late. So I came strolling through the back door with far-away-friend, and keg, and cake, and food only to find The Steady sitting on the couch. And I'm like, "Oh, hi sweetie! Hi bunny cakes! What the fuck are you still doing here!?" Luckily, he didn't see all the stuff I brought in, just some of it, but not the most important things. Are you getting a sense of this? It was madness.

Then there was a misunderstanding about which door The Steady should arrive in. I thought we agreed to have him enter through the back. So I quickly herded the guests into the living room where they were drinking beer and chatting noisily while I peeked through the curtains of the back door searching for some sign of my man stumbling up the pathway. And then suddenly I heard an impromptu "Surprise!" behind me.

He came in through the front door.

He came in through the front door! But truly, at that point, I no longer cared. All I wanted to do was drink my ginger ale and laugh my ass off.


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