Musings of a Winter Wren

Saturday, March 17, 2012


For some reason I cannot get the phrase "diaphanous dust bunnies" out of my head. It has been three days already.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012


We ended our relationship with Comcast (oh, c'est triste!) and stopped our basic cable service* so that we could pick up a wireless Internet service through the city network. So far it's nothing short of AWESOME. The Steady and I watch The Jon Stewart Show now on Hulu almost every night. To think we wasted all those years watching the local Fox "News" channel, while adding personal commentary (a la Mystery Science Theater 3000) to entertain ourselves, when Stewart and Colbert have been doing a much better job all along! * "And may I ask why you decided to leave Comcast?" "Because I don't like the idea of having to pay to watch commercials."


It use to ruffle my feathers when I heard dudes fetishize Asian women. Oh they're so beautiful with their long black hair, and their "exotic" eyes, and their mathematical acumen. But now I realize it would be hypocritical of me to feel that way since I do the same damn thing, only for me it's nerdy Jewish men.