Musings of a Winter Wren

Friday, July 27, 2012


"Mommy! We're a family of seatbelts!"

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


How many little Lego man heads does one have to step on before one feels justified doing something that might be regarded as a little bit bonkers?


Some girls buy fancy underpants or get their toenails painted in order to feel sexy. Fancy underpants to me usually translates to itchy or wedgie and both of those things just make me do an impression of Mr. Yuck.  But there are some things, two things actually, that do make me feel all pert and saucy.

1) Riding my bicycle, especially if I'm also listening to Depeche Mode 
2) Finding opportunities as I write research papers to use words like nascent and propitious and commensurate

Here look, I'm even tossing my hair around like a big flirty horse as I type these words.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


My three-year-old, God love him, wakes up every morning as a new THING. Sometimes he's a seahorse and sometimes he's a pony named "Galahad." If I'm lucky, I get to be something TOO! All last week I was a Black Sea Sponge. And the week before that I was a Book Drop.

I'm a Book Drop, yo.  Jealous?