Musings of a Winter Wren

Tuesday, August 06, 2013


Please be kind to me, universe. My life just started four years ago when my son was born. I am no more important to you than any other thing with cells that divide, I know, but I am important to my two little birds and I have so much more to teach them.

It's not as if I wasn't living before I had children. It's more like I was a paragrine bit of cottonwood fluff, floating on whims and getting high after work. Now I am reasponsible for Others and that has changed my perspective completely. I feel a great need to be here. Butts need wiping and boo-boos need kissing. I know this all sounds terribly cliche, universe, I'm sure you're rollong you huge cosmic eyes at this. I have already been given way more than I deserve but please, please let me stick around.


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