Musings of a Winter Wren

Friday, March 11, 2005


I find I am slowly easing myself into spring break, the same way one might ease oneself into an extremely hot tub of bathwater. Today I slept in until eight o'clock! Then I just sort of thrashed around in bed for about half an hour before I got up and made coffee. Then I returned to bed and knitted 24 rows of a sock heal while talking with my mother on the telephone. She was telling me about "ear dropping" on someone. I think she meant eaves dropping, but I didn't correct her because I selfishly enjoy her English-as-a-second-language poetry. Then I read a chapter from John Steinbeck's East of Eden. This inspired me to write. Which is what I'm doing now.

I don't want to be one of those people who writes about their cat, but Crooked* is doing some unspeakably cute shit. She's sleeping on her side with her paws over her eyes and her little pink tongue is sticking out of her mouth like a tiny bubble tape dispenser.

*Her name has been changed to protect her true identity.


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