Musings of a Winter Wren

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Perhaps this is punishment for my crying about students being total apathetic slugs. When I come to class, they’re like a den of drooling opium addicts. They’re physically in their seats, but their minds are frolicking in sunny poppy fields far, far away. So now I have this student, S. He is a middle aged fellow with an ornery disposition. He walks with a limp because the chip on his shoulder is that big. He’s an overachiever, but that’s not even the correct term, because he’s not obsessed with content or knowledge as much as he’s obsessed with points. The man must aspire to robot-hood because he will not accept even the slightest deviation from perfect.

I gave his class a twenty point quiz the other day, with two points for extra credit. He got a perfect paper (20/20), but he stayed after class to complain about the two questions he got wrong. He told me that he plans to do an extra credit project to boost his grade. He has a fucking A in the class! A mother-fucking 98.7%! Here’s my message to him and people like him: Go away. You are a pain in my ass and you are going to give yourself a heart attack if you keep these unrealistic expectations up.


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