Musings of a Winter Wren

Sunday, June 26, 2005


I engaged in some high quality boredom sleep on the bus ride home this afternoon. I had finished Marlene Zuk's Sexual Selections: What We Can and Can't Learn about Sex from Animals during the weekend visit. It was the kind of head bobbing, mouth open sleep one should come to expect from such a mode of transport. Really exquisite stuff. Especially after Billy-Bob-Joe-Ray-Red Neck from Arkansas turned his country music down.

When we reached destination downtown, our bus driver with the countenance of a bulldog maneuvered his load through a slight detour around road blocks and throngs of people in rainbow tee-shirts and festive pins, their pockets bursting with free samples of lube. Suddenly, I hear the good ole boy whoopin and hollerin to no one in particular, "Well yew look, there's two girls on top o thaat there bus stand wit no shirt on, titties just flappin all round!" To hear him talk, you would have thought it was Christmas.


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