Musings of a Winter Wren

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Since today is the first day of school, I was expecting some real horror show dreams last night. Instead, they were just curious. I dreamt I was walking through my home town's downtown with RS when I ran into a bunch of my high school classmates all spilling out of a building. I ran into Kevin W., Jason S., and Kelly L., and asked them what was going on. They told me it was the ten year class reunion, just finished. I cursed my school for not giving me an invitation. The three of them piled into a car. Kevin was writing down his contact information for me, so I got into the back seat and as I was leaning towards the dashboard, I felt Jason grab my ham hocks and say, "you have a nice ass, but then you always had a nice ass." I brushed his meat hooks away from my rump, annoyed, and told him to cut it out. Kevin finally produced his address written on a pay check stub. It said Bahrain, which impressed me. But when I looked closer it said Bahrain, Iowa.


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