Musings of a Winter Wren

Saturday, May 10, 2008


So this student, he did not email me back. Instead he stopped by the classroom so we could chat, you know, face to face. He told me in a hushed voice no, he is not asking me to lie for him. But, he pleaded, not getting this award could have a profound effect on his job placement. He wanted to know if he could do some extra work so he could earn the removal of those tardies.

Okay first, if he has a 4.0 GPA, I hardly think he is going to have a problem getting a good job. And second, if he worked for me (helped grade papers, like he suggested) than the whole thing would just feel more like bribery than lying. So I said no.

Now I kind of feel like a jerk.

But hey, a very scrupulous jerk.


Blogger David said...


Good for you!

There are so many directions I could go with this.

My two cents, for what they're worth.

1. He only worried about the tardies when he thought it would keep him from getting the award.

2. Doesn't he realize the award signifies an accomplishment? An accomplishment he didn't earn.

3. To remove the tardies would cheat the people who did accomplish this feat.

4. I wonder how many other teachers he asked to remove a blemish?

I could go on and on (I know I already did) but the truth is you taught him a valuable lesson if he wants to accept it. There are consequences for our actions.

As for his job placement situation... I would rather hire a honest person than someone who manipulates the system for appearances.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well said




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