Musings of a Winter Wren

Thursday, May 08, 2008


This afternoon before leaving work, one of the entry guards stopped me in the hallway and asked if I was a follower of Jesus Christ. Oh, I’m sorry, the who what? Do I look like a follower of Jesus Christ? "No," I politely replied, "I'm a very comfortable agnostic." We stared at each other for a few awkward moments, kind of smiling kind of grimacing.

So I said, “I take it you are.” And he said, “Yup.” And not knowing what else to say or how to end the conversation, I brandished my thumb and said, “Well, good for you!”


Blogger David said...

I don't know why religious people feel the need to know and tell. It always makes for an awkward situation. Perhaps he mistook something you were wearing for a religious artifact?

Your post made me think of this hilarious scene from the TV show Scrubs.

I bet you wished someone would have stepped in like the guy did in the clip :)


Blogger Winter Wren said...

Heh. That's funny stuff.

Religion is such a curious thing in this country. I'm no Richard Dawkins, no raving atheist, but there seems to be an underlying assumption in America that everyone is ‘a believer’ to some extent.

I have no problem with people who are religious, but to me, it seems like a personal thing that should remain in personal domains. Not in the hallway at work and not with someone I hardly know.

I work with a woman who complains when anyone uses ‘the lord’s name in vain.’ But apparently it’s okay for her to be on the phone with members of her church, discussing (very loudly) her religious beliefs.


Blogger David said...

HA! You obviously didn't grow up in the deep south. We still can't buy alcohol on Sundays. I'm not a Christian, why can't I buy liquor on Sunday?

The question I have is where was the entry guard going with his question? Did he think it was a way to chat you up? Or, was he looking to fill his conversion quota?


Blogger Winter Wren said...

Oh man. Don't even get me started about the no alcohol on Sunday rule! We have the same laws in my state. I mean, if you want to be all pious and abstain on Sunday, fine. Good for you. But why the hell do the rest of us have to suffer? What if I drink all the Red Stripe on Saturday night??

About the guard's intentions, I have no idea. Perhaps he ran out of people to pray for and I just happened to pass by and reek of sin?


Blogger David said...


Mayebe you were reeking of all that Red Stripe? :)



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