Musings of a Winter Wren

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I wear this nausea like a deep sea diving suit. No matter how I twist my body, I cannot escape its weight.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


My math students took a test on Tuesday. As I am such a magnanimous instructor, I gave them precious class time on Wednesday to review their mistakes and make corrections. "Exams are given," I explained, "So that YOU know which concepts you understand and which concepts you need to work on. Besides you will see these problems again on the cumulative final." One guy, C, copied his classmate's correct answers and turned it in. I stared at his half-assed scrawl.

W: Hey, C? Do you know how to do...problem ten?
C: Um. No.
W: Why not?
C: (Read with attitude) Cause! Gaaahh! I didn't have a calculator!
W: (Admittedly exasperated) Then why are you turning this in??
C: I didn't understand it!! Why are you on my case?!! Geez!!
W: I'm sorry, are we in kindergarten?? No, you guys are supposed to be adults. You all should have your 'Big Pants' on by now, right? If you have a question about something, you ask.

(And then I kind of went off.)

W: I love the way you guys swagger, like you're so tough, you're so cool. But when an instructor calls you out about something you did or didn’t do, you take it so personally. You all have such fragile egos. I'm 'On Your Case' because I give a shit about my job, and it bothers me when you guys don't!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Was so round and bright this morning.
It looks like someone took a hole-punch to the sky.

Friday, October 10, 2008


Saturday was good; suspiciously so. On Sunday I ran five miles on a twisted ankle and suffered horrible heartburn from too much summer sausage. It was folly to run on an injury after consuming such a vast quantity of encased meat, I know, but it put me in very ugly mood all the same. I had to do everything I could to keep from throwing baleful glances at puppies and pushing small children into mud puddles.

In fact, I was in such a cantankerous mood that I had to throw myself out of the house like a live grenade. There simply wasn't enough room for me, The Steady, and my Big Fat Cranky Rain Cloud! I biked seven miles to an old, familiar bookstore and I sat in the company of books.

I love the way they sit, inert, quiet, and without judgment.

Thursday, October 09, 2008


The Steady and I went camping last weekend. The weather was terrific, the fire was warm, the food was delicious, and before we packed things up on Saturday afternoon, we flattened a spot in the tall grass prairie & engaged in some spectacular meadow vole sex. You know, with all the cooing and squealing and hopping around.

Gosh, I just love boinking outdoors.