Musings of a Winter Wren

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I'm terrible when it comes to keeping secrets. So it was absolutely killing me, not being able to share the news with our family and friends. The Steady is much better. He's a regular poker face. Originally, we were going to tell my parents and his parents over Christmas break, but my bottom lip was getting huge from all the biting, so we told them over the Thanksgiving holiday instead.

Now let us step back for a moment. I have one older brother and he reproduced last year. So my parents are broken in, as it were, to the idea of grandchildren. The Steady has only one younger sister who is studying to become a doctor of medicine. She and her husband keep a very tidy house and they lead very organized lives. They are not in the least bit interested in having children. However, The Steady's mother is absolutely dying to be a grandmother. How do I know? We went out to Colorado last summer to visit his parents. One morning she and I were sitting at the kitchen table talking when all of the sudden she burst out with: I should be a grandmother! All of my friends have grandchildren! I'm the only one who doesn't. Well actually, the moment was framed in a little more context than that, but still, can you imagine the awkwardness?

I just whistled and looked out the window...

So when we told his parents they were both beside themselves with joy. When we said our farewells after a long weekend of visiting, his mom hugged me and said, "Thank you...thank you." When we broke the news to my parents they were also extremely happy. Upon parting, my father shook The Steady's hand and said, "Nice work."

Nice work!? Thanks dad. Real classy.


Blogger David said...

Ha! You'll wish you had kept it more of a secret when everyone starts touching your belly.

I'm trying not to be one of those parents that gives out unsolicited advice but we did sign up at when we had ours. It's free, fun and the site is loaded with information. Best of all, they email you about what to expect during each stage of pregnancy and then through all ages of development after the child is born. Just a thought :)

Are you hoping for a boy or girl?


Blogger Winter Wren said...

Please feel free to give advice as we have absolutely no idea what we are doing.

I think I have been to babycenter, although I'm not signed up for the weekly email. But I did did cheer when the little tadpole lost its tail in week 9 and then again a week later when its paddle hands turned into real fingers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a good site as well. You get a week to week look at what's going on inside your belly. My little girl was born 11 weeks ago today and she is absolutely the greatest thing to ever happen in my life! My wife and I are very, very happy. You are in for some great fun. I base this on the last 11 weeks...we have alot to experience still. I hope all goes well.



Blogger LORMO said...

Holy crap! Congrats! OMG!

(That totally scares me regarding the Nuva ring however! Are you sure you never ever, you know, did it, without it???)


Blogger Winter Wren said...

Thanks Anon, and congratulations to you and your wife! I honestly never understood why people fussed so much about pregnancy and babies until now.

Lori Mocha, I know. We think maybe a shipment of faulty rings came in via China and they forgot to infuse it with hormones.

But seriously, the only thing I can think of is this: I'd always remove it the day my period started which sometimes came a day before or a day after three weeks. I explained this to my physician but he didn’t see anything wrong with that.


Blogger LORMO said...


Well nevertheless, I know you be such a super fantastic mother!

The world needs this kid. So yay!



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