Musings of a Winter Wren

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


While out walking yesterday I passed two young men and a meticulously groomed ankle biter. When they passed me on the sidewalk, I could see their dog starting to approach my feet. This made me instinctively step around the pooch like it was made of quicksand.

I can't say why but I don't like it when strange dogs come up to my feet. To be more accurate: I don't like it when dog owners allow their dogs to approach other people's feet. Some people assume passer-bys want to be approached by their silly dogs.

Don't get me wrong. I like dogs. If I wanted to pet your dog, I would come up to you and ask you if I could pet your dog. Otherwise, don't assume I'm going to trip over myself cooing over your canine.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree.

When are you due?


Blogger Winter Wren said...

Um...sometime next month? I don't mean to sound so terribly vague, but I'm trying not to fixate too much on the due date. It makes me feel like an Easy Bake Oven. Let's just say I'll be considered full term in as few as two weeks, but might not erupt until six weeks time.

Of course, I would prefer things happen sooner rather than later. But alas and alack, nobody asked me.



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