Musings of a Winter Wren

Thursday, August 15, 2013


One if the reasons I let myself get so worked up about all The Possibilities in my last two posts is because I know somebody right now who is dying. It had all started one year ago. And how was he to know that a mere twelve months later he would be lying in hospice waiting for life to blow out like a candle? It all seems so caprecious. Why do we die? And if I'm going to ask that I might as well ask, why do we live? I just can't wrap my head around it. Oh cripes, I'm not going to get any sleep tonight. (Again.)

Sunday, August 11, 2013


I had myself diagnosed, buried, and my children orphaned. All in a weekend's work.  The results came back negative for the Malady Whose Name Must Not Be Spoken. The doctors believe I had something called a galactocele, which sounds rather extraterrestrial and super powerish to me.

Well anyway, back to your regularly scheduled crazy.

Tuesday, August 06, 2013


Please be kind to me, universe. My life just started four years ago when my son was born. I am no more important to you than any other thing with cells that divide, I know, but I am important to my two little birds and I have so much more to teach them.

It's not as if I wasn't living before I had children. It's more like I was a paragrine bit of cottonwood fluff, floating on whims and getting high after work. Now I am reasponsible for Others and that has changed my perspective completely. I feel a great need to be here. Butts need wiping and boo-boos need kissing. I know this all sounds terribly cliche, universe, I'm sure you're rollong you huge cosmic eyes at this. I have already been given way more than I deserve but please, please let me stick around.