Musings of a Winter Wren

Saturday, February 26, 2005


I was preparing myself for my last math class of the day yesterday when I heard two students make plans to visit a couple of strip clubs together over the weekend.* One student told the other how he likes to find a good table, sit back, light up, and just watch the girls dance. I rolled my eyes so hard my brain hurt. I must choose my battles. I must choose my battles. I must choose my battles. A few minutes later, someone asked me about my teaching experience in China. As I replied, I heard the other students come to a quick consensus that Asian women are hot. I actually heard someone say something about “sexy, long black hair and dark skin.” That one right there was the last straw. I spun around faster than you could toss a pair of ninja stars and told them to shut up.

I reminded them that they were in a college classroom where it is generally considered inappropriate to discuss one’s sexual fantasies. I also reminded them that I was the only woman in the room, that I might not appreciate their manner of speaking. “Imagine yourself in the minority,” I said. Without really thinking I continued, “what if you were the only boy in a room full of girls?” Of course they hooted like a bunch of stupid ass monkies, like that would be the best thing ever, but I promptly revised my statement. “What if you were the only boy in a classroom full of twelve year old girls? Because that’s what you all are acting like. A bunch of adolescent boys! Now shut it!”

* It’s really touching, by the way, to see these kids form friendships through common interests. It really brings a lump to my throat. Like a big lump of beef stew, for example.


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