Musings of a Winter Wren

Sunday, September 25, 2005


The domestication of dogs was hotly debated last night chez Casey and Maria’s. Casey absolutely refused to believe that all domestic dog breeds came from a single wolf-like ancestor. Instead he hypothesized that a long time ago wild breeds of Chihuahuas and Yellow Labs roamed the earth until humans tamed them. As he spoke I tried to imagine a wild pack of Chihuahuas, but had a really hard time doing that without also imagining wild herds of plush, upholstered ottomans and a field of wild squeaky toys. I told him I had read that dogs were domesticated before agriculture some fourteen thousand years ago, but not even three zeros and a comma would crush his skepticism. Finally, Deo (their lab mix) stirred and liked his balls, which pretty much concluded the discussion.


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