Musings of a Winter Wren

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Eliot Spitzer held a news conference yesterday in New York. He said all the things other men in his position have said in the past. I can't say for sure since I had the television muted. But I couldn't take my eyes off his wife, Silda. The amount of mettle, the amount of pluck required to stand by your philandering husband (who spent over $80,000 on hookers over the last ten years) on national TV is truly awe inspiring.

If I were her I would have said, "Good luck with that news conference, asshole!" And then I would have taken my unfortunate brood to Spain. But you know, I'm a small person. I'm petty like that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never cheated have ya?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a little confused with the comment on this post and your response to it.

What does you cheating have to do with the way you feel about someone who does and more importantly someone who has been cheated on?

He broke their vows. He dishonored her. He lied. He put her at risk of disease and public humiliation.

No matter what the circumstances there is always divorce before dishonor. Cheating is a CHOICE plain and simple.

Is anonymous saying that you could somehow understand and forgive a cheater if you have been one yourself? That's like saying if you beat your mate you could understand someone who does. That doesn't make it right or excusable. Wrong is wrong.


Blogger Winter Wren said...

I'm not really sure what motivated anonymous' post, or yours. I can only clarify my own ideas.

I agree when you say divorce before dishonor and cheating is a choice. What I'm trying to say is, there are consequences to our choices. I decided to cheat and I paid dearly for it and all those who do the same should pay too.



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