Musings of a Winter Wren

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Course I have. How else could I feel genuine sympathy for Silda Spitzer? If you're involved in cheating and lying first hand, you gain insight.

I've been thinking about my marriage every since I saw my ex husband at the grocery store last month. It was such a romantic relationship and by that I mean it was not at all grounded in reality. We met when I was twenty and I was married at twenty-two. I was far too immature to know what I needed in a life long partner let alone be able to articulate that in a constructive way. I fell out of love with him in about three years time and I was too much a coward to tell him so. Well actually, I tried once. I told him I didn't want to be his wife anymore, but he didn't believe me. Denial is a powerful force in his family. So instead I lied and let myself get involved with someone else.

I remember when I confessed. The guilt was driving me crazy. We were working together in China and we were on holiday in Shanghai. It was a dreary holiday. I don't think the sun came out for six days. I told him what I had done the first night we were there. After witnessing the pain in his face, I felt so much shame I slept on the floor for four days and stopped eating for a week. Even now, when I push my head into a toilet to purge (a habit I picked up at age twenty-five in order to cope with the fact that my marriage was falling apart), I dig back to that shame. It will stay with me forever, I'm sure.

So I'm no hypocrite. Eliot Spitzer should pay for his crimes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not trying to land a blow here. I queried because I know nothing of you.I respect your fiber but in my eyes the road to ruin began long ago for this couple. I suspect her dignity was dragged from her long before the husbands extracurriculars.


Blogger Winter Wren said...

No harm done. Like I said, these ideas have been knocking around my ganglia for weeks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

These things are usually the harvest of seeds planted long before as you point out. They are often expressions of anger or resentments that in fact compassion subdues. A characteristic I most enjoy in people. You seem to be one of these. Not exactly the kind of person who deserves to fret over the like. This doesn't extend to all people of course. But of thoughtful people, I find this scenario most frequently. Mr, Spitzers problem is that he is ill thought of to begin with giving him a tough scrutiny. Compare President Clintons escapades if your ganglia will respond.



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