Musings of a Winter Wren

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Boy howdy, I have some real doorknobs this quarter.

One student missed over twenty days of class. So I was not surprised when he scored 45% on the most recent test. I was surprised however, when he asked me (after submitting his test) to give him extra time to study for it and then let him retake it.

My reply? No. That wouldn't be fair to your classmates who have been here every day.

Another student arrived one hour late to a three hour math class. When he rolled in, we were all reviewing for a test I was about to give. He sat down for about five minutes before he got up to leave. When I asked him where he was bound, he said very simply, "work" and then casually asked if he could just take the test tomorrow.

My reply? No. Work schedules must accommodate classes, not the other way around.

I was in the mood to punctuate each reply with a low level insult like "doof-wad," but that would not be very professional of me. And I really need to be a model o' professionalism for these here childr'n.


Blogger Unknown said...

I love all your stories from "academia." You can decide what the quotes mean.

Hang in there.


Blogger Winter Wren said...

They are not all bad. Just...a lot of them are. Only kidding! I mean, like maybe 85% of them are. Ha ha!

Only kidding?

You decide what the question mark means.



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