Musings of a Winter Wren

Saturday, February 07, 2009


We were in a car accident today. The Steady and I were in his Honda Pilot driving through an intersection when a smaller car ran a red light and crashed into us, driver's side. I can't say for sure how fast the other car was travelling, but it was enough to push our larger vehicle through three lanes of traffic and into the sidewalk. The other car was totaled with four windows smashed and an accordion nose while ours sustained significant damage.

The police/fire department/paramedics were on the scene in a matter of minutes. I was scared because I had never been in an accident before. And when I told the paramedics I was five months pregnant, I turned a whole new shade of scared; for baby. We were both wearing seatbelts, but when mine cinched across my bulging belly it left a bruise. I had to go to the emergency room and get another ultrasound, this time to make sure the kid was still alive. And then they hooked me up to a machine to make sure I was not having contractions. I saw the little tadpole kicking its legs and all at once I felt so sad.

I'm so sorry this happened little baby.


Blogger Unknown said...

Wow. I'm glad to hear everyone is relatively okay. Hrm. Be careful? Even though it wasn't your fault, and you were wearing your seat belts? I guess. Be careful.


Blogger David said...


Sorry it happened but happy to hear everyone is ok.

I hate that your first taste of parenting came in the form of worry. It still amazes me how quickly people fall into their role as parent. I think you're going to make a good mom.


Blogger Winter Wren said...

Thanks T.W. Good to hear from you. David, this whole parenting thing changes everything. These feelings will magnify ten-fold once I get a chance go hold the little bird. I’m quite sure.



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