Musings of a Winter Wren

Thursday, February 05, 2009


A few months ago The Steady and I opened up a joint bank account. I stash my money at the Federal Credit Union because their interest rates are higher than any corporate bank (less bad bank furniture + fewer billboards + fewer promotional mailers = less overhead) but for the sake of convenience, we opened our joint account at Wells Fargo. Last week on my way home, I was wondering what our balance was so I decided to stop off at the bank ATM and print it out. As turns out, Wells Fargo charges its customers for this service. I didn't realize this until I had already printed out the balance so I walked into the bank to confirm the charge. The teller said yes, that's how it works, but if I would like him to wave the fee (since I'm a new customer and didn't know about it) I should just call him. He gave me his business card. I looked at it as I walked out the door. Thanks Jim. Thanks a pants load.

Of course I'm miffed. I guess I don't like it when rich people nickel and dime poor people. But it's not like I can't afford the dollar fee. And like fuck am I going to go back and use that ATM "service" again.

Now fast forward five hours. I'm watching the evening news and I hear a story about a Wells Fargo bank executive who made out with a multi-million dollar bonus. I go back to my wallet and pull out Jim's business card. I'm now determined to get my dollar back. Those executives are going to make their millions no matter what. But like hell are they going to do it wih my dollar.


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