Musings of a Winter Wren

Monday, November 21, 2005


Every once in a while when I was a kid, my dad would fast for no more than five days. He would do this for political reasons; causes I couldn't comprehend at the time and haven't asked since. I just remember him sitting at the dinner table with a tall bottle of water while the three of us stuffed our hungry little maws like it was no big thing. Every so often I would look up at him, food hanging from my mouth, and ask what it was like not to eat. He would just shrug his shoulders.

So I decided yesterday that I'm going to fast for 72 hours. Basically, I am going to consume clear liquids for the next three days. How do you like them choice words? Clear liquids include green tea, water, juice, chicken broth,...and beer. There are several reason why I want to do this, none of which I want to explain at this point. It's only been about fourteen hours and so far no big change, although a bit cold in the extremities. But that's not unusual since I tend to maintain the basal body temperature of an Arctic Flounder.


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