Musings of a Winter Wren

Monday, July 31, 2006


So yeah, I slipped up last night. I was in a bad way. Why, you may ask? Because certain people (my mother and ex boyfriend) called me over the weekend just so they could tell me what a self-centered, insensitive asshole I am. Okay, fine. I hear your complaints. Now please, leave me the fuck alone.

Last night after my little impromptu binge-purge session, I stood at the kitchen sink washing dishes, fretting about today. Am I going to let these events pull me down? Am I going push work, studies, projects aside in order to indulge my vices tomorrow? What about the day after? I don't know if you were aware, dear reader, but addiction is a huge time and energy investment. Perhaps I should just call this whole week a wash and return to my self destructive behavior because that way of coping with the world is comfortable to me.

NO. Fuck that. I deserve to be happy. If you think that's self-centered, than fuck you too.

Sunday, July 30, 2006


This evening I shared some secrets with the bathroom toilet. I would tell you, but they're kind of between me and the toilet.

Saturday, July 29, 2006


More shity-ness yesterday with my mother. Trying to communicate with a bipolar person during a manic phase is like trying to hold conversation with a drunken person. There is absolutely no space for reason or logic. I'm now screening my calls in order to protect myself from further mind fuck.

To make myself feel better I drew a cold bath and sat in the tub for two hours watching a movie while eating a Greek salad. That was nice. And then later in the evening I met some friends at the local VFW* for cheap beer and singing. I did I Can't Fight This Feeling by REO Speedwagon. I actually got people to come up and slow dance! It was sooooooooo cool!

*Huh? I know that sounds strange, but this particular VFW has kick ass karaoke, stiff drinks and an interesting mixed crowd of moody hipsters, preppy kids, and yellowed, mustached veterans.

Friday, July 28, 2006


Yesterday afternoon I got into an argument with my mom. I was pissed about something she did and then more pissed when I confronted her because she gave me excuses instead of apology. In anger/frustration I said something I shouldn't have, and then she hung up on me.


Why couldn't I have hatched from an egg like a fish or an iguana or a spider? What's up with this parental involvement? Who designed that system?

Thursday, July 27, 2006


Today was like one of those fire crackers that explode.
And then each spark has its very own little explosion.

Stupid fire crackers.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


So I’m back...

What can I say?

Six weeks ago today I flew to Beijing, China where I caught a train to Ulsanbaatar. While in Mongolia, I slept in a yurt, hiked over verdant hills, and consumed mountains of red meat. Then I rode another train to Moscow. This one took five days. During that time I could be found either a) drinking beer, b) drinking vodka, or c) reading the Brother’s Karamazov while drinking beer/vodka. When I arrived in the capital city, I witnessed a troupe of inebriated soldiers marching through red square and I ate incredible Georgian food. Next, an overnight train to St. Petersburg where I visited the Hermitage museum, ate blini for breakfast and enjoyed the white nights festival. From St. Petersburg I flew to Warsaw, Poland. Here I bought bandages for my battered feet and ogled all of the Very! Fetching! Polish! Men! Then I took a train to Krakow, Poland where I spent nine hours at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum. Then I shared a sleeping berth with two Aussies, an English boy, and an Argentinean named Santiago. Our cabin reeked of unwashed feet; destination Budapest. There I visited the National Museum, ate a bowl of goulash, and saw a live Hungarian punk rock band. I stayed up until 4 am. In Vienna I watched the World Cup finals, drank a lot of coffee and visited Mozart’s grave. In Prague I toured castles, toured castles, and toured castles. Oh, and I drank really good, really cheap Czech beer. Finally, I flew to Amsterdam where I visited the Van Gough Museum, the Ann Frank House, and spent a night in the oldest hippie commune in Holland. More on that one later. I was also gently scolded by a prostitute. But that's okay. It was 9 on a Sunday morning. She was probably tired from staying up all night. Sucking cock. What a job.


Oh! And I missed my flight home.

I also did some other things. I mean, a lot of other things. But my head is spinning like a gyroscope right now, so I better log off before I puke.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Last night I said this to Asher on the phone, "I hope magic elves find you and knock you on your sweet head, unconscious." And then, "May a soft fluffy pile of pillows break your fall."