Musings of a Winter Wren

Friday, August 18, 2006


When: Friday, June 16
Where: Beijing, China

This afternoon I did like the Chinese do: I took a xiuxi (nap). I drew the shades and set my watch for 230 PM. For an hour I laid in the dark sucking my thumb while listening to the hamsters run laps in my head. Somewhere around 225 PM I fell asleep. Late in the afternoon I took the subway to jiugulouweidajie and walked around the twin ponds. I’ve never been to this park before. It was touristy. I took a bunch of pictures anyway. While riding the subway and walking through the park, I found myself struck by all the Chinese faces. They’re not particularly ugly or beautiful, but they all hit me in a very visceral way. I just get a feeling like these are my people. I’m almost protective over them. Sure, they may spit and pick their noses and give the wrong information when asked for directions, but they’re good people.

Three reasons why I like the restaurants in China: 1) The service is fast; absurdly fast. 2) Tipping is not required or expected. 3) After the food arrives the servers leave you alone. But not tonight. I’m having dinner alone tonight and my server wants to practice “speake English.” I’m inclined to say no, but I just polished off one of those 600 ml beers and the eighteen year old boy keeps telling me how “brutifrl” I am. So I invite him to sit down and we chat for about 30 minutes. He asks me if he can see me off tomorrow morning, (very sweet) but I insist I go alone.


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