Musings of a Winter Wren

Saturday, February 03, 2007


Prada asked me how things were going with The Steady. I grinned and sparkled like a disco ball. He nodded in quiet understanding. Then I told him how Asher has been contacting me lately. I asked what he thought of it. "Men are lonely," he replied leaning back in his chair. Prada is one of very few straight males friends I have, so when he speaks of these things, I lean in. I lean in the same way I would lean into a TV airing a program called, The Secret Life of Ground Squirrels.

He went on to explain that men generally don't know how to make emotional connections with others. I insist this is more nurture than nature. He agrees and continues to tell me how a man might have an intimate, emotional experience with a woman (typically a girlfriend or wife) and how by having his emotional vein tapped, he often finds himself very stirred by it. Only because it happens so infrequently. He suspects that Asher never knew what to do with this kind of intimacy. And now he probably doesn't know what to do without it.

I have not really been thinking about Asher lately, as much as I have been thinking about the difference between men and women. I mean, our needs and the way we process information, it's so bloody different!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't give us to much credit, stired? or figuring out how to get in your slacks


Blogger Winter Wren said...

I'm not trying to withhold credit or defame men. I love men. This planet would be really dull without them. My point is that I'm not one, I've never been one, and so to better understand them, I have to talk to one. And that was ONE man's perspective.

If you are a straight man with insight, than I invite you to share your thoughts. Only please use standard punctuation and grammar or else I get all confused.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe punctuation and grammer is another way men and women differ. Women can, men don't care, especially when chatting on the web. What is the difference between them (punctuation and grammer)anyway? Seriously? While were at it, your spelling ain't the greatest. To the point, I've had this conversation ad nauseam with women and can never quite overcome their absolute irrefutable position that some sort of magic happens when we open up emotionally. The problem is every woman is different. Some deem you opened up when your tighter than a drum and others consider you clamped down when you show them your spleen. Lonely? sure. I've had what seem like perfect relationships slowly disolve for unexplainable reasons and lasting ones that should have never got of the ground. Don't know what I'm after and don't know when I'll find it. Thats lonely, right. But I'm with you, the unscalable difference is the fun part as long as its not some psycho deal where their demons try to set up camp in my often fragile head. The best,JJ


Blogger Winter Wren said...

Since you asked, grammar has to do with syntax and sentence structure while punctuation is all about periods and apostrophes and question marks.

If you want to heckle me about my spelling, be my guest. I'll be the first to admit it's not my greatest asset. But even I know ‘stirred’ has more than one r.

I really don’t mean to be pedantic. I am sure my writing would make any editor wince in pain. Hell, I read old entries and find mistakes all the time. But I do believe there are certain basic rules in language that must be followed if people wish to be understood and I frankly didn’t understand what you meant when you posted your initial comment. I had to guess. And I get emails like this everyday from students: r U? class, tday

What does that mean?

How am I supposed to respond to that??

Regarding the other stuff you said: Word up. I completely agree that we must leave room for variance in expectations. Sam’s definition of open might not always jibe with Sarah’s definition. For the record, I never said men are lonely, my male friend did. And finally, let’s keep being different, just so long as we let our guard down once in a while and learn from each other. Thanks for posting JJ, truly.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, puncuation and grammar should be universal interests.

JJ, no offense, but you make yourself sound like a dope.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, anonymous person who risks little from behind the lead shield, a dope huh, now you could have used twit, which is the only word I can think of that is less offensive than dope, which quite frankly is not all that offensive but, you could have used a whole lot of worse words on up the ladder and you didn't. So, I think that in a peculiar way your teying to help me. Unless of course your a controlling little twit. All in fun JJ



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