Musings of a Winter Wren

Monday, April 30, 2007


Their relationship was like a small raised flowerbed that she had tilled and fertilized with attention and love. But alas, the soil was barren. She could not cultivate a single thing. So she left. It still makes her sad, even now. All those moments wasted missing him when they were apart.

Sunday, April 29, 2007


I saw a guy on the sidewalk. He looked like he had just climbed out of a coal mine. All his nooks and crannies were filled with inky resin. At first he was propped up against the brick wall, passively squatting and nodding off like a child in a car seat. He must have been dreaming about the opiates he had put in his arm.

And then without warming he sprung up and started to anxiously and deftly fondle a nearby fire hydrant. He was treating it like a console to a spaceship. Or else he was a ship captain at the wheel. Whatever he was, I couldn’t rip my eyes from him and his covert business with the hydrant.

Saturday, April 28, 2007


I have a math student, P. He’s a tough kid with a hopelessly young face. Every day at the beginning of class I hand back the previous day’s homework. And every day P balls it up right in front of me and throws it in the trash. Yesterday while handing back homework, I thought I’d save him the trouble. I balled it up for him. And dropped it on his desk like a cat toy.

Friday, April 27, 2007


It's a cool-trendy thing to listen to This American Life. Go figure.

However, I did see that Ira Glass on the TV, and my word.


Thursday, April 26, 2007


LEGO shark occupies the ledge above my medicine cabinet. Please, do not be fooled by his minacious looks. It's all a big noisy act.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Last night I saved a little white kitty from being flushed down a toilet. I mean the cat was quite literally in the potty, water swirling around its wiskered head.

Later on in the night I was hanging out with an old friend, Jonathan, and some fat, hairy, boorish fellow. I have no idea who he was, but he farted something nefarious. Poor Jonathan and I were forced to crawl along this carpeted floor in order to escape the toxic fumes.

SIDE NOTE: Only now, while typing this do I realize the overall theme!

Friday, April 13, 2007


Today I had my environmental science classes get into small groups and research six separate recyclable materials. The first of several questions they had to address was, "List everyday examples from your category." The group research glass came up with the following: light bulbs, bottles, mirrors, eyeglasses, bongs and windows.

Oh good. They didn't forget bongs.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


I got an email from my mom yesterday. Apparently, she's still be mad at me because instead of closing the email with 'mom' she closed it with her name. Apparently, she's no longer my mom.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


I was at some raucous college party where I snorted a bit of coke. Just a teeny tiny bit. It was fun. Then some skinny naked guy ran into the room and rubbed the white powder all over his face. He was having a fabulous time, obviously. I just giggled and wiggled my toes.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I’m at my parent’s house, peering outside the back porch door. The wind is picking up something fierce and the sky is filled with dark, foreboding clouds. The four tall pines that boarder our modest lawn bend down like old men. I am aware of the mounting danger and instinctively I know that I need to walk two blocks to the only building in the neighborhood with a solid basement. It’s my old preschool. It’s called Peace Church. I am traveling these two blocks with my mother. I am responsible for her safety. We get into the alleyway behind our house and that’s when I see a tornado touch down. This first one gets really close to us. I pull my mother’s arms around my waist and tell her to hold on while I grip the trunk of a tree. Our legs fly out from under us and for some time we are like a kite caught on the base of the tree. The twister gets very close and spits dust in our eyes, but then it capriciously spins away. We continue to move down the alley and cut through yards, dodging tornadoes all the way. Eventually we make it to our destination.

Monday, April 09, 2007


Oh baby, I feel so down.


I met up with The Steady around seven. We went to the park and played frisbee. Then we went to his place and cooked dinner. And then we had a shag on his coutch. Trouble is, I didn't really need any of that stuff. What I really needed was someone to listen to me and be my friend. But alas, I'm not very good as asking for the things I need.

Sunday, April 08, 2007


I called my friend this afternoon and left, what could be, the most pathetic voicemail in the history of voicemail. It went something like this:

"Hi. It's me, the winterwren (sob). I just got into a huge argument (hic) with my parents (hic). You guys are probably out doing Easter brunch things. I hope you're having a good Easter (sob). I hate my parents..."

Saturday, April 07, 2007


I saw Neko Case live in concert.
Her voice is like wind sweeping a prairie.

Friday, April 06, 2007


In other words, Great Friday. School is out today so I woke up late and made a fruit salad for breakfasts. While preparing said breakfast, I sang a really crappy/bad Michael Jackson song. When I came to the chorus, I substituted the real lyrics "Dirty Diana" with "Sticky Banana" because that seemed more relevant to the activity at hand. It went something like this:

Sticky Banana! Huh-uh!
Sticky Banana! Huh-uh!

Sticky Ba! Na Na!!

Thursday, April 05, 2007


At this very moment, I'm at a downtown coffee shop studying GRE words while simultaneously and surreptitiously sitting in on some "natural cosmetics" pyramid scheme meeting going on at the table next to mine. I am learning so much! Not about butt cream. No, I am learning about the women. Who are these creatures? Can we really be apart of the same gender? What's with all the vacuous compliments? I feel like Jane Goodall.

One of them just said, "Yeah, like, she’s a lawyer? About to make partner? And really, really cute, you know? And she had a green Coach bag, you know? She like, had it all..."

Note to self. Absolute mark of success = Green Coach Bag. I didn't know that! Oh dear. How did I become such a loser?

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


I presented one of my classes with some facts about human population growth yesterday and immediately they began to spew ignorant, backward comments. Some honestly believe people in continental Africa have babies because they're bored and have nothing better to do. Others said that people in developing countries are too stupid and uneducated to know that sex leads to children!! Then somebody suggested we simply bomb Asia to be rid of the overpopulation problem.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


I've been gathering new materials for my environmental science classes lately. I came across a study about behavioral, psychological, and social responses to overpopulation/overcrowding in animals. One particular study observed overcrowded rat populations. Here's what they found:

"When crowded, rats begin to exhibit abnormally hostile behavior, social interactions become pathological and fighting intensifies, often with fatal results to one of the combatants. Some individual males become hyperactive and hypersexual, attempting to mate with out customary courtship rituals and often mounting males, nonreceptive females, and juveniles indiscriminately. Pregnant females under crowded conditions frequently abort; if the young are born alive they are frequently killed by the mother or die as a consequence of neglect."

Monday, April 02, 2007


5. Fill in the blank. As food energy moves from one trophic level to the next, energy is lost in the form of __________ at each and every step. (1 point)

"Heat" is the correct answer.

B. decided to write "poop."

Sunday, April 01, 2007


Pit Pat told my parents about the kid. I wonder if they were waiting for him to say 'April Fools?' Anyway, they are happy for him. I know this is true. But that didn't stop mom from making some dumb-ass comments.

Pit Pat: Mom said that this means I'm going to have to be responsible now, since up until now, I've been irresponsible.

Wren: Yeah, and we already know that mom is a shining apotheosis of responsibility. Why don't you just shape up already? This will be a good opportunity to learn how to be more like her, you know, responsible.